September 14, 2008, 10:06 am

You have probably heard about it, but just incase your so called friends have left you in the dark on what’s good on the Dancehall scene, let us fill you in!
On Sunday the October 5th, Virginia Reggae will be hosting: First Sundays: Strictly Roots Reggae: In the dancehall. These dancehall sessions will feature Roots Reggae Sound systems from near and far. The first of these events will be held, October, 5th 2008. We invite you to come out once each month to support these one of a kind Roots Reggae Sound Systems.
Doors open at 8 p.m. for those wishing to come out early. We are aware that some people have other obligations, but would like to hear some good music in a club setting before heading off to bed in preparation for Monday morning! Whether you come early or come late will not make much of a difference in the quality of the music you will hear. Roots Reggae Sound systems do not rely on specific songs to garner forwards, but play each tune with a positive vibration in mind. First Sundays will serve to expose the masses to quality music beyond the norm without compromising the fun aspect of the dancehall!

Now, on the other hand, forwards and salutes is just what you may be doing from the time you arrive until you leave. Each selection will touch the source of goodness in you at these first Sunday’s sessions! Please invite your friends to come out to these dancehall sessions, which are unlike anything you have ever attended in these parts. Please load up the car (car pooling is ok /gas is a killer) and head out to First Sundays: Strictly Roots Reggae: In the Dancehall
On 5Th October, first Sundays feature:
Admission is always $5 unless otherwise stated
Unfortunately the age limit at this venue is 21
First Sunday will be held at Tonics in Va. Beach
Next session: November 2, 2008 (Coronation Day Session)